Friday, July 23, 2010

new things

almost all the things i learned today:
::i sleep past my alarm much better when i feel the weight of my own down comforter as opposed to someone else's.
::when i turn onto park street, it will have changed 4 names before i turn off of it.
::north holiday hills is off of the same street as International Aid.
::I am very inconsistent when signing my signature "carolyn moeller".
::the trick to creating a contract is making many ways to get out of it if you need to.
::tapanga, from Boy Meets World, does a random commercial for "style". and looks old.
::i forget my phone charger about 50% of the time when i stay at someone's house.
::the going rate for pet groomers in the area is an average of $40.
::it takes about 16 baby wipes to clean up a nasty poo diaper.
::there are plans to put up a Mosque at the 9/11 site in New York.
and that was the most ridiculous, inappropriate thing i learned today.

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